Camping in July

We just got back from a great camping trip in Ohiopyle State Park in Pennsylvania. We were not sure what to expect for July camping, as we normally go in the spring or fall, but the weather up there was absolutely gorgeous! We actually had to turn on the heat in the camper each night it got so cold! There was lots to do, and we didn't get to do it all, so we plan on going there again.
We did enjoy quite a bit of bike riding. There is a great trail that follows the Yaughigheny River that is fairly flat and easy riding. We rode 12 scenic miles one day to a little town called Confluence, PA to have some ice-cream, and then rode the 12 miles back. Views of the river, rapids and even rafters going down, beautiful mountains, rock formations, and old pioneering homesteads were along the trail. Eric was amazing...he pedaled the whole time without complaining. Of course the promise of ice-cream at the end may have helped :)
There were many sites to see along the river as well..the falls at Ohiopyle were amazing, and since we have had so much rain, the water levels were extremely high. We actaully forgot to take a picture of the falls, so here's a link to someone else's pictures.
On the way home we stopped at Dennis' Aunt Jeanne's house for a great lunch and also saw his cousin, Linda and her husband, Ray. The kids loved seeing their great Aunt, and it was a nice break from the long ride home.
Enjoy looking through the pictures in our webshots album!