Sunday, November 25, 2007

A friend of ours who is an excellet photographer recently took some family shots of us with the beautiful fall leaves as a backdrop. Here is one of the kids that we really like. Notice the lovely red welt across Bay's forehead? Yes, he did that immediately before we were ready to take the pictures :) Anyways, the kids did great and we got some good pictures of all of us as well.

I can't believe it has been so long since I have blogged about our family... it certainly is not for lack of things to write about, just lack of time! The boys finished up a wonderful fall soccer season, Eric has a new violin teacher who is a gift from God and his immaculate timing as far as what he needed, Eric played a two-piano ensemble with another boy at a recital recently, we have rearranged both Leah's and the boys' room (taking apart their bunkbeds), we enjoyed a great Thanksgiving with our family here, and are looking forward to the advent season!

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Halloween Fun!

Leah the pink bunny rabbit

Bay as Anakin Skywalker

Eric as Darth Vader

Dennis as a Redskin and Heather as....does anyone recognize Pippi Longstocking???

Granni as "Granni from the Beverly Hillbillies"!

We had a great Halloween this year, as we invited the neighborhood over for the 3rd annual Hayride and Trick-or-Treat. We also had a short time of food and fun for everyone to hang out and visit before we left for the hayride. 15 kids showed up, which was a huge success for our rural corner of the world, and we all barely fit on the trailer! We had lots more stops at houses since more neighbors decided to join in on the fun (which is the whole point of our effort to get everyone in the neighborhood out for this!) I have only included here on the blog pics of us dressed up, but follow the link to our webshots to see all the other pictures from the evening!