Isn't this how God works too? My heart has been feeling kind of like Leah's closet lately. There are places for things, but they aren't adequate-
there's a shelf for joy, and a hook on which to hang forgiveness, mercy and grace offered to others, there are baskets somewhere in there for lessons in humility and submission, and even a place somewhere for using my gifts for his glory.
The only problem is, I have been having trouble finding those things when I need or want them, they are buried under a lot of other stuff. Stuff that doesn't belong-pride, anger, selfishness, and even doubt and fear make their way into my closet (heart). So God has been building a nice neat row of shelves in my heart. He started with his Word---lots of it-saturation-immersion--- and it's starting to take form. This is the hard part, cutting, drilling holes, sawdust everywhere. It's messy. He has been showing me the message of his Word-the message from the beginning to now-it's the same message. This combined with more focused prayer-the shelves are being hung-
And I'm just starting to be able to put some things on these shelves so that I can see them and access them right when they are needed. Forgiveness is sitting right next to mercy, joy actually takes up a whole shelf on it's own and is surrounded by gratefulness. I'm working on throwing out the things that don't belong. I really should just take them to the dump :)
This order is a work in progress in my heart, but it is so encouraging to know that God promised to bring order out of chaos when he restores all things to himself, the way he designed it to be. First the natural body and then the spiritual. 1 Cor. 15:53-57 ...but thanks be to God! He gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.