Thursday, May 25, 2006

Warm Weather at Last!

The weather has finally warmed up a bit, and the kids are happy to be outside most of the time. We have just about wrapped up school for Eric (except for Math, which we continue through the summer). Eric and Bay got their summer's all gone!!! Leah's new favorite is pushing her walker all over the driveway and the yard. She feels so independent. Here she is pictured with a clover flower crown mommy made for her. Later it turned into a necklace :)
Heather just froze a bunch of collard greens and spinach from the garden. We are getting ready to harvest the peas, and have had a continuous supply of lettuce for 2 months now. So far, so good! We now have corn, green beans, tomatoes, squash, and eggplant planted.

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