Friday, July 20, 2007

Swim Meet & Friends

Leah playing with toys between events

Bay swimming his 25 Freestyle all by himself!

Bay & friend Nelle...very silly

Eric & friend Nathan visiting for the week

We had some friends visit from California this week, and the kids got to catch up with their good friends as well during the day. We had a cook-out for them one night with a bunch of families over for swimming and combined birthday party and was lots of fun...the kids got to play all together, and the grown-ups got to catch up (now that i think of it, did we ever get to actually talk to each other???) I think we counted 18 children and 8 adults!
As for the rest of our summer, we have 1 more week of swim team, and then we will get a break from that before school starts. I am getting ready to teach some swim lessons in our pool, which is of my favorite things to do.
The garden is overflowing and ready to become a lot of work with harvesting and canning pretty soon, the tomatoes are loading down the cages and the corn has tassled. If we can just take care of that pesky groundhog who is taking bites out of everything!!!

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