Monday, September 10, 2007

Leah is Potty-trained!!!
Leah has been working since the 3rd week in August on potty-training, and while she is now officially trained without any accidents, it has been quite an interesting journey to get to this point!
I started her once the busyness of swim team ended but hopefully in plenty of time before school started as well. It all started out very well...lots to drink, more to drink, lots of trips to the potty, once success, and then accident after accident after accident! Poor Leah, she tried so hard, but every time she would have an accident, she would burst into tears and be so devastated, that finally I asked her if she wanted to put her diaper back on and she readily consented :) I thought to myself, "Well, we'll wait a couple of months and try again, she just wasnt' ready."
Much to my surprise, the next morning she wanted to put on her panties and try again first thing in the morning. I had given up, but evidently she hadn't!!! Only on her prompting, all day she went to the potty, but I kept a pull-up on her becasue she was so devastated the day before wtih her accidents. Anyways, all this is to say that she was persistent and it took her a couple of days to be accident free in her panties. Of course, going #2 took a little bit longer, but she is now a big girl all the way, and still loves to add stickers to her chart in her bathroom every time she goes. Needless to say, the chart is overflowing with stickers!

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