Quick Visit
Sunday afternoon, Dennis, Bay and Grandma went for a quick unplanned visit to his brother, Mike's house. Kevin was in town, the trailer needed to be returned to Mike, and Grandma wanted to see her boys. Enough said. The plan was for Dennis to take one of the kids...I was leaning toward Eric going, but Eric was vehemently against it. He explicitly explained that he was really looking forward to just relaxing on Sunday. No problem since Bay REALLY wanted to go. It turned out to be a wonderful arrangement. Evidently Bay needed some middle child attention, and got plenty of it. He wrote in his journal about it today, and drew a great picture of what he remembered from the afternoon. Evidently Eric really needed to be at home and have some peace and quiet too, because he literally spent the entire afternoon/evening reading. He even declined to watch the Redskins game with us on the big screen at Granni/Gramps' house. Of course, since Eric was off in his own world with Eragon, Leah got mommy and Grannni time.
It is so nice when each child is able to get that individual time in the way they need it most. What is fun to see is how their personalities change when you get them by themselves. Bay's journal entry is at the bottom since I thought it was very cute.

"This is a door at Uncle Mike's house. It's raining and everyone is at the fire. While it was raining I was playing ball with Stinky (the dog). When we were done with dinner I got to have Sprite and watch Avatar."