County Fair
This weekend is our local county fair. We love the county fair. We always enter as many things as we can reasonably carry that any of us have made during the past year. The kids typically enter artwork, sometimes lego creations, crafts, etc. For me it's usually canned goods, herbs and sewing. This year even Dennis got in on the fun with a simple wood working project he did. Yesterday the kids and i ran over to the fairgrounds for an hour to see our exhibits and visit the animals (Thursday is free to exhibitors). It was very empty since it had just opened.
Today was School Day (schools are out) so kids get in free. Dennis had off today so he was able to come. Also not too crowded compared to going at night. My parents came along too.
Here are our results.
Bay got a 1st in his one and only entry...a painting of a rocket. Before you get too excited, yes he did this by himself, but the idea we got out of a really neat Usborne finger painting art book that we use for school quite often. Eric did a painting just like this when he was Bay's age from the book and it is interesting to see how similar they are!
Eric entered artwork in markers, colored pencils, crayons and paint. His spider painting, above, won 2nd place. He also entered a painted rock and a creative writing piece.
The Christmas banner that wraps around the case is one I made last winter for our home. It is cut from felt and then sewed on in different ways. I got the idea from a Company Store catalog.
Dennis' wooden knife won 3rd. We thought of many more things he can enter next year after seeing what types of things were there!
I am including all of my sewing entries. I did get a ribbon on all of them, but not because they are so great. Most of them were the only entry in their category, so it goes to show that something doesn't have to be great to win a prize! Most of the judges write constructive criticism on the back of the entry card so it is nice to hear what they have to say about each piece.
Above is an apron I made for my mom for mother's day. It is reversible.
This is a twirling skirt i made for Leah.
This was actually a nightgown that my mom made for Leah, but I knew she wouldn't go to the trouble of entering it, so I entered it for her! Good job Granni!
This is Bay's robe and he was so happy to see that HE got a first place on his robe :)
Leah's robe and sundress.
Eric entered artwork in markers, colored pencils, crayons and paint. His spider painting, above, won 2nd place. He also entered a painted rock and a creative writing piece.
The Christmas banner that wraps around the case is one I made last winter for our home. It is cut from felt and then sewed on in different ways. I got the idea from a Company Store catalog.
Dennis' wooden knife won 3rd. We thought of many more things he can enter next year after seeing what types of things were there!
I am including all of my sewing entries. I did get a ribbon on all of them, but not because they are so great. Most of them were the only entry in their category, so it goes to show that something doesn't have to be great to win a prize! Most of the judges write constructive criticism on the back of the entry card so it is nice to hear what they have to say about each piece.
Above is an apron I made for my mom for mother's day. It is reversible.
This is a twirling skirt i made for Leah.
This was actually a nightgown that my mom made for Leah, but I knew she wouldn't go to the trouble of entering it, so I entered it for her! Good job Granni!
This is Bay's robe and he was so happy to see that HE got a first place on his robe :)
Leah's robe and sundress.
I also entered 3 bunches of herbs (lavendar, sage and oregano) from my herb garden and got either 3rd or 4th on them.
A pleasant surprise to the day was to find out that all rides were only 1 ticket each (normally 4 or 5). So instead of only being able to ride 1x each, the kids got to ride 3x each. They were very happy about that!
Bay and Eric in the TOMB OF DOOM!!!
Leah on the choo choo train.
Leah on the choo choo train.
We finished the fair with a treat and then we were done. What a fun family day!
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