Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Compost Love
Our silly puppy has found the compost pile. It is her favorite place to run to when she is let outside to play. She typically comes back with a cob of corn, or watermelon. Of course, she eats anything she can fit her little jaws around. I'm not sure if other puppies are quite so indiscriminate in what they eat, but she seems to have no problem eating ANYTHING.
What is so funny is that she thinks she is doing something sneaky and she carefully guards her prize. She won't let any of us near her with her goodies! I had to zoom in with the camera on her tonight to capture these pictures of her. Very funny!
What'cha got, Elsa?
Grrrr, stay away from my watermelon!

You're getting too close for my comfort. I'm taking this elsewhere.

I'm ready to grab it and run as soon as you take another step closer to me.

1 comment:

Kathie said...

At least Elsa doesn't LOOK like she's been in a compost pile! You can imagine how funny our white ducks look with black grimy faces after they've been foraging in our pile.

Show us your compost pile sometime. For twenty years we've just piled ours on the ground in one 8x8 area, but this year we got a free composter from freecycle that we filled up in no time. Allen aerates it occasionally. We've decided to let it sit until next year.

The picture in your last post with your Mom, Leah, Bay and Elsa is adorable. You sure do take great pictures.