Saturday, May 08, 2010

Bay turned 7
Bay celebrated his 7th birthday recently. I can't believe my sweet, compassionate, nurturing Bay is getting so big. Just so long as he'll still cuddle on my lap!
Bay and Leah with their recently new pj's and Bay with his birthday breakfast...cereal with milk...
One of Bay's big interests is space. He has had the space helmet for  few years now, but got the space suit for his birthday. He plans to live on the ISS someday...
The ice-cream cake that I have made now for 3 birthdays is gaining in popularity...
Gramps going through Bay's new tackle box and a coupon for a fishing trip with Gramps.

One of the most wonderful things about Bay and his developing personality is seeing his tender heart develop. The other morning I had made some oatmeal and offered some to Bay for breakfast. After a short contemplation, Bay said to me, "Mom, would it hurt your feelings if I didn't want any?"

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