Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Family Visit
My grandmother from Ohio came to visit this weekend (my uncle drove her). Although she is getting along in years, she still gets around. The boys played in an All-Boys Piano Recital. This was Bay's first recital. I played the duets with him. Afterwards he said, "That was really fun!" Eric also played two very exciting pieces. Great-Gram really enjoyed herself.

My two handsome boys :)

Leah and Great-Gram chatting before the recital.

My grandmother loves yard sales and always brings suitcases full of yard sale finds for the kids. She loves it because she gets more bang for her buck, and never feels badly if they don't particularly like something. The above yard sale find, however, didn't fit in her suitcase, but I think Leah really loves it!
Look at that girl, already driving and talking on her phone.

Lots of people always think that this grandmother is my mom's mom. If you know my mom, you would understand why. She has the same build and pretty much the same hair as my mom. And, they look strikingly alike; however, she is in fact my dad's mom. All of her kids had dark hair and dark complexions.

Friday, October 22, 2010

{this moment}
a single words...capturing a moment from the week. A special, extraordinary moment, a moment I want to remember.

From Leah's Perspective

Recently, Leah likes to get my camera and take shots of things around the house that interest her. Usually she has set something up with her animals and wants to take a picture of that and then she ends up taking about 50 more pictures around the house. It is always interesting to get the pictures off the camera and see what she has captured.

Funny how she's already figured out the self-portrait pose!

Looks like he's been caught at something!

Is this a subliminal glimpse into her personality?


***I found this post in my drafts from quite a while ago, but I really liked it, so I'm sharing it now!****

Friday, October 08, 2010

{this moment}

this moment...inspired by Soule Mama...a single photo, no words, capturing a moment from the week. A special, extraordinary moment, a moment I want to remember.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Any guesses?

No, our sad pathetic puppy did not break her paw. yes, she is wearing the "cone of shame" as my kids so fondly put it.
Unfortunately for Elsa, she has a fondness for chasing and barking at car tires. Saturday morning she insisted on putting her paw under mine as Leah and I were heading out to run some errands. Nothing broken, but ripped the pad off one of her digits. The vet cleaned her up and she's bandaged for a week and wearing her e-collar because she just can't leave it alone. I sure hope she has learned her lesson, but I can't say I won't be surprised if she hasn't.
Did you ever see such sad pathetic puppy eyes?