First Knitting Project
I have been itching to try knitting for some time now. Not really sure why, though it probably has to do with the many blogs that I follow that feature people who knit lots and lots. I also love the idea of using my sitting and waiting time do something productive with my hands (dr. appts, homeschool coop down time, etc.). Also, I recently played around with Leah's knitting mushroom that she got for Christmas and found that actually doing it was very relaxing and I could do other things (like go over schoolwork with the kids, watch tv at night with Dennis) at the same time.

So I went to our local yarn store, found a beginner book, some yarn and kneedles and came home with the idea to knit Leah some legwarmers...something she LOVES to wear and only has 2 pair that don't match all of her dresses. I won't bore you with all of the details, but I must say that it wasn't as hard as I expected it to be. Granted, I did knit one entire legwarmer according to the pattern and the proceeded to rip it out because I didn't like the shape, and I made lots of little mistakes (please don't look too closely), but overall, for a scrunched up legwarmer, I am pretty happy with how it turned out.

Then I knit a miniature trial version of my next project, simply because I wanted practice making stripes and also decreasing to join the hat at the top. Turns out it wasn't a wasted scrap of knitting, but actually turned into quite a cute little cap for this elephant! His ears were getting cold with all of this cold weather we've been having anyway!
For any of you fellow knitters out there, I have posted the details of the project on