Friday, June 30, 2006

She's Walking!!!....

on her 15 month birthday...
yes, it's true, our little Leah is finally walking! She just started on Wednesday. She puts her arms out in front of her like Frankenstein for balance, and thinks she is really great! I even got it on the video camera with the help of Eric and Bay.

and then she fell and broke her arm.
yes, it's true, on that same day, when daddy came home she was showing off and fell forward and fell in just the right way so as to break her little arm! We took her to get x-rays the next morning, and then to the orthopedist to get a cast on it this afternoon. She has been a real trooper. Although it didn't cause her too much pain, whenever she would put any weight on it, she would cry in pain and it would buckle under her, so we knew something was wrong. Now she has a bright pink cast that can't get wet (no more swimming for a while) and something to defend herself from her brothers :) J/K As you can see from this picture, she is doing just fine, and was enjoying a little bit of cartoons before bed with her daddy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So sorry to hear about Leah's arm, but it looks like she is doing well! I'm sorry we didn't get to come and visit you guys before we left for Georgia, but we were swamped! Thanks so much for the clothes and especially the Baby Byorn. Zoe LOVES it!!