Happy Easter!

We picked up Dennis' mom on the way home from church so she could hang out for the afternoon. We enjoyed egg salad sandwhiches for lunch with our dyed eggs, then hid plastic eggs outside for the kids to hunt. That, of course, is very funny to watch. As we were giving Leah hints to find her eggs, Bay provided her much competition to getting to them first.
We had our homemade ravioli for dinner, some with alfredo sauce and some with spaghetti sauce. Both very yummy. I also made some homemade Rosemary/Garlic tuscan style bread. Yummy as well. And then Flan for desert. If you don't know what flan is, it is a spanish style egg-custard with caramelized brown sugar. I used to hate it as a kid, but it tastes okay to me now.
A great end to a great weekend, and the earliest Easter any of us will ever experience is now over. Now back to life a usual!