Monday, January 22, 2007

Before (you can see it in the background) and After

It's Finally Done!!!

Finally, after almost a year of planning, ordering fabric, waiting for time to do it, and then getting halfway through and waiting for more fabric, the horrid khaki striped couch is gone and a brownish chenille has taken it's place! I spent the week between Christmas and New Year's ripping the fabric off the original couch, laying out the pieces on my new fabric, cutting, and then realizing that I didn't have enough fabric! Yikes! So I went ahead and covered what I could, and, thankfully, the fabric was still available from where I got it a year ago at While recovering it, I added a little extra batting to the arms, which really added to the comfort level of the couch. The worst part was sewing the seat cushions with the piping, as you can see, they have a little section that makes an "L" at the front of each cushion, and this was really a bear! Needless to say, we all like our "new" couch and will be able to enjoy it's stain-hiding properties hopefully till the kids are much older and we buy new furniture.

I used 14 yards of fabric, at least 30 yards of piping, and lots of broken needles on my sewing machine due to the many layers I went through on the cushions! The whole project cost me about $200, $140 of which was for fabric, and the rest was for piping, trim and new accent pillow forms. Not too bad for a couch that originally cost us $500 when we bought it.

Although I really enjoy sewing, taking on a project this size is not something I will lightly go into now that I know what is involved. I learned a lot about piping that I did not know before, and making regular shaped box cushions is not so bad, but the size of the couch was daunting! Just glad it's all done! Next big project.....stripping and restaining the kitchen cabinets....Dennis thinks I'm crazy!!!

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