Saturday, January 13, 2007

Mount Vernon Field Trip

We just spent a day at Mount Vernon, George Washington's estate in Virginia. Although it was predicted to be a 0% chance of rain, it rained the whole time we were there. Nevertheless, we had a great time and really enjoyed the mansion, gardens and educational center. Eric just finished studying about George Washington right before Christmas, and so this was a great finish to the unit. Since it was raining, we spent more time indoors than out, and the kids especially loved the new Museum and Educational Center. It definitely had some of the best museum exhibits I have ever seen, and held the kids' interest all the way through. There were battle scene re-enactments with toy soldiers, life-size replicas of George at different stages of his life, and also a Hands-on Histroy area where you see one of the things the kids got to do was to dress in colonial clothes. They thought that was really neat. Bay wanted to wear his clothes home :) We also discovered that the bike/pedestrian path from Alexandria to Mount Vernon that follows the GW Parkway is a future excursion for us this spring, it had beautiful views of the Potomac and we saw lots of bald eagles in the trees along the water!

Eric, Bay and Leah in colonial dress

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