Sunday, August 24, 2008

Summer Sailing
We took a spur-of-the-moment weekend sailing trip with Heather's parents. It turned out to be gorgeous, considering it is August. We sailed up the Bay to the Little Choptank River and anchored in Madison Bay for the night (get out your map and find it!). The wind was perfect (8-10 kts) and the temperature was in the low 80's. After last summer's trial run overnight with the kids, we dared to go a little further and they did great. It took about 7 hours to sail to our anchorage on Friday, and about the same time to sail home on Saturday (there was no wind for about 2 hours so we motored a bit). Bay is becoming quite the seaman. After quizzing him at the end of the trip, he picked up on several things...he knew port and starboard, stern and bow, jib and main sail, and of course, he always knew when we were in the Chesapeake BAY :)
Heather at the helm with first mate, Leah in the jump seat!

Dinner at sunset : hot dogs, bbq and chocolate chip cookies.
The grown-ups got to enjoy the sunset while the kiddoes chilled out with a movie (Finding Nemo) down in the cabin.
Doesn't Leah look awfully grown-up in this picture?

My gracious parents who are always so happy to take us and the kids out on their boat. It sure is lots of fun!

As a side note, my mom is laughing because I told her she looked old in the first picture I took, then I took this one. She definitely doesn't look old here!

1 comment:

Kathie said...

Hi Heather ~ I always have troubles leaving comments on your blog which is crazy since we both have blogspot. Go figure.

Lots of questions/comments: Do you have to contend with misquitos while sailing?

I, too, am green-eyed over your neatly organized schoolroom. I gave up on a schoolroom years ago because everyone wanted to be in the kitchen. So now we have a large walk-in closet with all the supplies, but I have yet to clean it up from last year. That will probably be tomorrow's project.

Bay's dress is beautiful! You even took the time for edging! All of your sewing is wonderful. When I go to the thrift shop today, I will look for a robe pattern. I will also look through my private stash, but I doubt I have one. Grandma L likes to give robes for Christmas gifts, so I never needed to make one. Did you do all the square sewing on the towel section of Leah's robe?

Enjoy your last week of vacation...assuming you haven't already started.