Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I have tried to keep this a blog solely about what is going on in our family. I have really tried. And truth be told, this IS what is going on in our family right now. We (Dennis & I) have been in a small quandary as we have been following the current events and the elections this season. While I do not believe that the Presidential election is the most important thing going on, it is VERY important and we have come to the conclusion that God has put us here in this time and place for a purpose. That purpose is not to sit idly by and watch our nation fall into depravity, but to stand up and speak, to make our voices heard. I promise politics will not be a constant feature of this blog, but for today, it is the main feature. I do not apologize for this. It is important to me and I hope it is as important to you.

Please take some time and look into Chuck Baldwin. He is a far cry from Obama and McCain, in a good way.

Are you wasting a vote on Chuck Baldwin? Absolutely not. Read what he says on this topic here.

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