Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Christmas List

We told the kids that they could make up a Christmas wish list. The boys quickly sat down together to corroborate on what they each wanted to ask for to make sure each thing worked with the others' requests...no repeat legos or DS games...

Leah promptly went off into her own space and got her paper and marker and made up her own list. No help from her brothers, no input, other than the 4 years of brainwashing she has endured from them! See if you can't find the brotherly influence in her list. We think it is adorable. I have translated her writing below the picture of the list if you can't figure it out yourself :)

It reads, "Leah's Christmas List"

legos. cat. leapster barbie game. horsey (meaning horse). tinker bell book. scooby doo game. racetrack (she explained this to mean one like Bay's that he never lets her play with)

1 comment:

S.E. Painter said...

I do not know how I missed these updates! I just caught up and loved them all. I'm curious about the room swap, so fill in more details. I thought the boys shared a room, etc...

Seeing Leah's writing is making me realize how much I need to work with Jack. He can do simple sounds, but nothing that extravagant!

I pray y'all have a Happy Thanksgiving. I know it won't be the same without Dennis' mom. :(