Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Advent Already!
Wow, I can't believe it is quickly approaching Christmas already! The kids are excited to be decorating the house, are drawing pictures of idyllic Christmas tree and snow scenes at every chance they get, and the preparations have begun with gift shopping, baking, etc.
We usually do a family advent devotion throughout December each year, and so when a friend sent this link, I was excited for something new! There is a daily scripture, devotion and prayer (standard devotional fare), but also very soothing music that continues to play in the background even when you are done with the reading.

Following the Star (click to follow link)

It is fun to see what types of questions arise from the kids out of our conversations about God and heaven with them. After a reminder discussion about Jesus' birthday, Bay asked Dennis and me,
"Since Jesus is God, do you think that when Jesus died on the cross, he really actually died? Or do you think he was faking it?"
What wonderful windows into their hearts. We are often reminded to be thankful for these little souls God has entrusted us with and what great opportunities we have been given to share with them this eternal hope from the very beginning.
Have a wonderful Advent Season!

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